Thursday, July 8, 2010

The problem of modern web-centric age... that there are just too many places we leave our trace on, some of them worthwhile, some of them meaningless... And I keep on forgetting passwords to every single one of them.

I just finished the process of moving my posterous accounts around, and it seems there was some sort of mistake in linking different blog together (gulp). My blogspot blog will be updated as usual, since whatever I write on posterous will be autoposted to the blog. So my faithful readers on google's blogging platform, there's no cause for worry. The whole note thing about not writing there anymore was actually for the posterous blog that was feeding to the blogspot blog that I've deactivated. I'd get in there and erase it to save everyone (and my oblivious self) from confusion if it weren't for the fact that I forgot the password to the blogspot page. Hopefully I can remedy this situation in the future when I figure out my own password from the deepest recesses of my primal memory.

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, some update on the community biotech lab we're building in Brooklyn. I think I still can't share the intimate detail of the experience with you all yet (look forward to the Genspace webpage for whacky adventures of amateur biologists later on!), but it's been amazing. The excitement and passion of all the members who've pitched in their time/effort/money is just inspiring... It took us a year and a half of work, but we finally have a BSL1 compatible labspace where one can pursue dreams without the barriers of bureaucracy and politics, and moving boxes and boxes of lab materials/equipments in middle of heatwave today was totally worth it. Me and other members of the group will be putting together our experiences into some single resource so that anyone around the world can use it as references to start their own community science laboratory, so be on a lookout for that. It'll be chock full of juicy information about how to get supplies, how to find physical spaces, how to figure out a monetary stuff and etc etc, along with other will-be classics like 'Synthetic Biology Crashcourse for Kids!' courtesy of ex-iGEMer and honorary DIYbio dude Zhou! There'll be some huge announcement of the next phase of our public activites within few weeks as well. I wasn't kidding when I said 2010 will be the year of DIYbiology earlier this year.

No part of blog posting on the net in modern era is complete without some talk of computers and hacks. I have two words for you. Next HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth)! It starts next week on the 16th (which is incidentally the opening date of the movie Inception) and I'll be there in one form or another... Being a perpetually broke student I am I can't really afford the $85~$100 entree fee so I'll either be working as a volunteer or find some mysterious workaround that will net me access privileges. Make sure to check out their page if you're even remotely interested in hackers. HOPE events are one of the grand-daddies of hacker-centric events.    

Posted via email from Textdrome

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