Monday, April 5, 2010

Wikileaks video


Just a quick post before I run off to work (it's so hard to find time to blog properly these days, maybe I should try one of those audioblog autodictation addon...)

Found out about this while I was browsing through the tweetstream

It's a video on a site called 'wikileaks' that specialize in sensitive information and documents. It's been around for a while but this must be its biggest case yet (or second biggest if we count the case of a certain pharmaceutical firm in Switzerland).

I don't think release of this video will really change anything. I just hope this can be a wake-up call to a lot of people out there believing in nonsense like 'clean war' but even that's doubtful.  

Before I go, here's something for the death of journalism. I don't think it's the internet.


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