Thursday, August 6, 2009

Synthetic Biology interlude

This blog is currently underconstruction, since I wanted to port all the posts on my previous blog on livejournal over here before I wrote anything new (a tiresome process since Blogger only allows 50 entries per day, and I have about 280~300 posts that are waiting to be imported).

Well I'm afraid I'm going to have to break the rule here because I found something that's really just too awesome to wait.

There's a six hour lecture/presentation by George Church and Craig Venter on the Edge website right now. It's about the most rigorous introduction to the field of synthetic biology on the net in continuous video format at the moment, given by two of the most brilliant minds in the field. If you have even a modicum of interest in synthetic biology, you should run and watch the video right now... I'm trying to find a way to download the vids so I can watch them on my iPod.

This is a refreshing change of pace from all the synthetic biology stuff on the net targeted at broader audience, most of which tend to focus on conceptual sides of synthetic biology instead of the technical background that makes it so alluring.

Abundance of educational data on the net these days is staggering, compared to the days of my prepubescent web surfing days when everything revolved around telephone modem connection and American Online services actually mattered. If only I had access to this caliber of information during those days.

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