Thursday, February 14, 2008

Late night madness

Right now it's 2 AM in the night, and I'm trying to do a full install of windows xp on my cousin's macbook. Due to some compatibility issues he has with some software he simply can't live without, he says he would want to perform the sacrilegious act of doing a full install of xp on macbook while wiping out the OS X partition. No bootcamp here, folks.

Although I am somewhat saddened and definitely shocked by this seemingly rash decision, I must say that I do not quite disapprove of what he is doing. I mean, the OS X does have some serious compatibility issues in this world of multilinguals and multiplatforms, most of which are clearly supported by the Microsoft's somewhat more brutish operating system.

Take for instance, the chatting program/protocol called nate-on, used perhaps by the entire population of south Korea and some Japanese or Chinese people. The program itself is ported to OS X, but it lacks some of the more useful functionality such as the ability to send text message to anyone and everyone on any cellphone network, or the flawless syncing with the ubiquitous cyworld system that everybody and their mother seem to use (literally) in the Eastern portion of the world. So while nate-on on windows is an interesting piece of community program, the nate-on on OS X is simply a watered down version of the jabber, which isn't really much in itself.

Some of the more famous web site formats aren't quite supported either, like the outdated but still quite widely used shockwave, which is used (again) to provide p2p music playing support for cyworld webpages (in the Eastern area at least. they seem to get everything), and some other quite famous web pages in Japan whose name I can't quite recall at the moment.

All this and I hear apple people wondering about their tiny market share in the far east. Geez.

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