Friday, February 22, 2008

Been a while

Things had been a little hectic for me lately. I couldn't even get enough time to write a few lines on this page.

I find myself favoring my main laptop when typing things up and doing some mobile browsing. It's really a matter of screen size and capability. While the eeepc has a decent keyboard and usable screen size, it doesn't really give off the feeling of being the most usable laptop on the planet, and the design doesn't really help much either. The design of the white model actually makes the screen look smaller, maybe because of the color contrast with the black screen edge and white body. And the capability. I'm not talking about processor speed though. I'm talking about the hard drive space. the 4G space is really anemic, and there aren't a whole lot of things I can do except work when I'm on that machine. This computer however, has a 7200 RPM hard drive, so I'm able to look up quite a few ebooks (on larger screen) and read e-comics (on larger screen) while listening to a movie or a music (hard drive). But when I'm going outside, will I lug around this $2000~ laptop? Not in my life. My outside companion will always be, without question, the eeepc. It's much, much lighter than even this 12in semi-ultraportable, and does practically anything I would ever hope for while on the rode. As for music and such, I have my trusty 80G ipod, so there's no big loss, not to mention I wouldn't be able to do much listening or watching while I'm at work.

Enough about the gadget talk. I've recently visited the Jasper Johns exhibit at the metropolitan museum of art. Interesting stuff. His research on form that is revealed when the chromatic interferences (colors) had been stripped away is very interesting to me. Basically, some of his focus seem to be what composes the heart of form, somewhat in abstract expressionist fashion. Without color, certain type of 'things' come together and almost spontaneously begins to resemble something, as a form, signifying things both real and ideal. Yet the relation of such theory of thought and perception to memory and life is somewhat shaky.... All in all, very deep, and I can't possibly grasp all of its significance at this moment in time.

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