Friday, May 22, 2009

The day's end

Now I'm sprawled over the sofa contemplating whether to go to sleep or read a bit more at the day's end. I move around a lot so being in a new place doesn't make me feel one way or the other... I think whatever I'm feeling is probably something like either a fear or the anticipation of the future.
It's the summer, and now I have a bit of spare time to get things done outside of my usual internship/sidejobs/the stuff that pays the rent. I've been thinking of what to do with this summer, and I think I'm going to turn this one into a watershed moment of sorts in my life. I'll be working on several self-improvement projects that will in turn help me to get to better places in the future.
The first and foremost of the things I want to work on is the basic knowledge of biology and lab techniques. Maybe I can take a simple associate's degree or technician level class at local college outside of my real studies. I'll also be studying an entry level complexity science textbook with goal of finishing and completely absorbing its content by the summer's end... Completely absorbing meaning digging into the mathematical techniques as well as outside references written in the book's bibliography. In fact, I've been making some strides to that end already, with my new complexity science text book that arrived here about a week or so ago. It's been quite intriguing with the topics ranging from biological signals to chemical oscillators forming greater systems, a treasure trove of informations that can be adapted to synthetic biology/biobricks project in a heartbeat, provided with some level of ingenuity.
I'm also thinking of studying a bit more about the Renaissance Italy, with eventual goal of culminating the study with a lengthy essay on the coming future as the second renaissance of humanity and just what kind of forms it would take with the kind of financial base and technological/industrial expertise available to us. It's been shaping up to be an interesting experience so far, devoting significant amount of time to the growing artscience trend and the rise of hackerspaces, biological and otherwise, while comparing them to the master workshops of the Renaissance.
Of course, there's also the project I've been working on with another diybio member using the processing language. It's a project to build a DNA organ or sorts (organ meaning the musical instrument), generating graphic and aural patterns based on the DNA sequence entered into the device.
This summer is beginning to feel like a good chance to turn my life around for the better. If successful, the things I can gain from the experience will go a long way toward making my dreams come true. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Posted via email from bookhling's posterous

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